Sunday, February 24, 2008

Birthmarks and Past Lives

Perhaps you have seen the psychic Sylvia Browne on television.I first saw her on Montel Williams and was impressed.She discusses Birthmarks and Past Lives in two of her books.
My beloved Grandmother who raised me had a floppy piece of extended skin on her throat.The belief in the mountains where we lived was that if the pregnant mother was scared badly the infant would have a birthmark representative of whatever scared her.It was said that Granny's mother "was scared by a chicken"Sylvia;s view would be different.I am not convinced that either is true,but find them interesting.
Sylvia began her focus on birthmarks ,she says, at the request of a neurologist friend who was studying the relationship between congenital illness and birthmarks.She was not especially interested at that time but did it as a favor to him.Surprising results came through her inquiries to clients.Several hundreds of clients in past life regressions revealed that a birthmark in the present life was related to a death injury in a past life.She reports that this was in 90% of the cases.The other 10% she says had resolved the matter in that lifetime and had no birthmark.The example was having been hung for stealing a horse which they had stolen as opposed to being hung if innocent of the accused crime.
Her first time of asking(Browne,Sylvia,Past Lives,Future Healing pages20-22) was to Billy, who came wanting to know who he knew in the present from past lives.That was not addressed as while in the trance he spoke only of one life that as an American Indian. In the early 1800's,at age 22 he died in battle from a knife wound in the right leg about two inches below the knee.He bled to death.She says the life was so brave,exciting and tragic she almost forgot to ask about a birthmark as he was leaving after the session.When she did ask,"he had only one, a purplish discoloration looking like an unhealed knife wound about two inches below his knee."From there she began to include this focus on birthmarks in all the Past Life Regressions.
What do you think? Do you have a birthmark?Hummm, was granny scared by a chicken,was it a bizarre experience in a past life or just some undifferientaed tissue ?


missknits said...

Hmmmm not sure i truly believe in this, but it certaintly is fascinating to read!

CopperSpringsLeather said...


Jezabels Jewels said...

that is really really interesting! i love stuff like that ;)

Tabitha Brown said...

I need to research this more! I have a birthmark. Very interesting post:)

Tah Groen said...

Interesting! I don't have a birthmark, but I do have a little mole on my toe, which is said to be a mark of royalty in Tahiti. How cool a Tahitian Princess what could be better! ;-)

UniqueNurseGranny said...

Thanks. Love your comments.

Leslie said...

Thanks for the comment. your blog has a cool feel to it, i like it.