Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Where Is "Nessie?"

Pictured is Robert Rines at Loch Ness, in his last television appearance before his death, during “MonsterQuest.”

Well known in matters related to the Loch Ness Nonster "Nessie", was his dire feelings about mortality the basis for the news circulating about the possible demise of this well known and loved creature? An editorial at the favorite Cryptomungo site addresses the matetr.

"Time For Some Level-Headed Thinking On “Death at Loch Ness”
An Editorial
By Loren Coleman

...I am not certain of the actual reality of the Loch Ness Monsters, any more than the next open-minded, skeptically-inclined cryptozoologist. But I see no less or more evidence for them during the 21st century than was available during the 20th century. Sightings at Loch Ness of the watery cryptids have routinely had good years and bad years.

Robert Rines, whom I met at Loch Ness, corresponded with before and after, and greatly admired, is no longer with us and is missed. He died November 1, 2009, at the age of 87. His sense of his own end, as projected psychologically from himself onto the Loch Ness Monsters, should not slow down the search for valid proof of whatever has been encountered in that Scottish lake for centuries.

Of all the people linked to Loch Ness, surely it would be Bob Rines who would say, in the final analysis, Onward! Continue the search at Loch Ness."


Mythbuster2009 said...


Your link to the Coleman article isn't working. I'll check back later to try the link again.

I'm very interested in the article as I really respect Loren Coleman.

UniqueNurseGranny said...

Thanks Mythbusters.It was working earlier.Just EMailed you the site.
Anons Why ME? Leave your self promotion elsewhere.

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