Monday, May 28, 2012

'Men in Black' Encounter (Wayne)

This comes from the newsletter of Phantoms And Monsters..I love that publication

".Many many years ago, in grade school there was a selected group of six kids that were placed in a room to meet three adults, all dressed in black. I was one of those children, there was two men and one woman. We were told by the principal that they were goverment people and were doing some type of student research, and for us to cooperate with them. They arrived first when we were the 5th grade, how strange thinking about it now as an adult, because they never spoke to any of us. They just remained standing, but we knew what the woman was asking us. Strange how children accept what adults would not. We were "asked" if we were well and accepted, and that they would be watching over us throughout our lives.
They came again the following school year, then one final time after the transition from grade school to junior high school. I can still remember them like it was yesterday. I remember telling my parents at the supper table after my dad got home from work, about the first visit only. I can still remember the look on his face when I said that goverment people came to my school and they would be watching over me without moving their mouths. Somehow, to this day I had the impression he knew more than he was willing to say. After all these years, thanks to facebook, I have reconnected to one of my classmates that was selected along with myself. He too never forgot it either, he's on my friends list. Somehow Ken, I have the growing impression that what has happened to me in my life since, wasn't by accident. I was really hoping to have been put under hypnosis and begin opening those very strange doors from my past. Wayne
From Ken Pfeifer: Wayne is a very interesting person I found on Facebook. I am hoping he will come forward and begin the hypnosis sessions. This encounter was sent to World UFO Photos and"

These clever earrings are from an etsy shop which I think you will want to see also
http: // stylish encounters of the 3rd

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