Well I heard this recently...
A mediun was asked if it was true that ghosts or spirits appear in the clothing in which they were buried. He had never thought about it,he said so was asked by the host to ask his spirit guides with whom he maintains daily contact and let us know the following night.Here is his response:
" Clothing is an optional thing in the spirit world,"Psychic medium Tana Hoy said. "Whether or not spirits appear to be wearing clothes depends on their consciousness and which of the seven spiritual levels they go to when crossing over," he explained.
Humm,what do you make of that? I have never seen or heard anyone who saw a naked ghost..
That's interesting. I've never really thought about that before.
I've never seen a naked ghost either. I love your blog! It's very insightful!
I think they like to wear white.
Mmm that is interesting - you are right - no one ever mentions naked ghosts/spirit!
Pretty Interesting. I took some Drug- one time many years ago and I was in a Old Mining town in Arizona. I don't if I made myself see it, but I saw spirits they where more like shapes of people. They all were different colors.
Either way, its an mind baffling thought.
Thanks for visiting and taking the time to leave a comment.Be sure to check out the attire of the next ghost/spirit you see and let me know..
I never thought about that either. I too have never heard of anyone seeing a naked ghost. Because I love genealogy I have always wished my ancestors' spirits would visit me--I just hope they come dressed!
I always focused on the message as opposed to their clothing, but now you have gotten me thinking:)
Actually I've always sow them dressed..apart of the "smokey" ones who didn't have a really human shape..
Interesting. My 'guardian angel' dresses in a mechanic's jump suit. Though the first time I saw him (in 81 or so), he looked like a folk singer. Strange.
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