From the radio program Coast To Coast:
On Wednesday's show, author L.A. Marzulli discussed his research exploring UFO phenomena and contacts with entities, which he's chronicled in his new eBook The Alien Interviews. Most skeptics ignore data from alien abduction cases, Dr. David Jacobs told Marzulli, who cited a case where a woman was abducted in front of nine other people, and had signs of radiation sickness upon her return. Joe Jordan of the CE4 Research Group has engendered controversy in the UFO community. He claimed his evidence that abductions can be stopped by reciting the name of Jesus, has been hushed up, said Marzulli.
A pair of witnesses named Matt & Laura revealed to Marzulli they saw a wide diamond-shaped craft with blinding lights doing acrobatic flips in a field, while contactee Lynne Dickie told him entities advised her to take photos of the sky, and later she saw spaceships in the photos.
He has concluded that UFOs, alien abductions, cattle mutilations, and other phenomena are interrelated. Marzulli believes the entities people call aliens are not actually extraterrestrial, but rather interdimensional. They are malevolent, fear-mongering beings, equivalent to the fallen angels of the Bible, he said.
Quote of the Night:
"I believe these entities are shape-shifting. They can appear as whatever they want...which is why there is such a multitude of witnesses [who said] they were short, they were tall, they were insectoid, they were reptilian-- all these different manifestations of the same thing. They can shape-shift I believe; they can disguise themselves as angels of light, if they so choose to, which is why Jacques Vallee called it [his book] Messengers of Deception." --L.A. Marzulli
Have you read Daniel Pinchbeck's 2012 book? It touches on that aliens are 'the modern day' gnomes. Things that frighten us.
The research is absolutely fascinating.
I have not read that.sounds interesting.
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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