Wondering what to do different this Halloween? There are 2 seances on the internet you may be interested in.Stephen Wagner brought out the details of a customary Halloween seance and James Rand the famous Magician/Skeptic ill lead another made up of Magicians and,Skeptics...A first time event.
"It was the night of October 31, 1936. Halloween night. The men and women sat at the round table with joined hands. They awaited the message - the message they had hoped for every Halloween night for the past 10 years. But the message did not come.
Finally, one woman rose from the table and announced to the others - and to a listening radio audience - "Houdini did not come through," she said. "My last hope is gone. I do not believe that Houdini can come back to me, or to anyone...The Houdini Shrine has burned for ten years. I now, reverently... turn out the light. It is finished. Good night, Harry!"
The woman was Bess Houdini, wife of the famed magician and escape artist. And this was the last séance she would participate in to try to contact her dead husband. But the séances themselves did not stop. Every October 31, from 1927 up to the present day, a séance has been conducted with hopes of contacting the spirit of Harry Houdini. So far, the great Houdini has not made his presence known.(Picture of Harry and Bess Houdini)
The Houdini séance has been a Halloween tradition since the first anniversary of his death. The magician died at the age of 52 on October 31, 1926 from peritonitis - an internal infection - as the result of a ruptured appendix.
Shortly before his death, Houdini made a pact with Bess that if he could, he would return and make contact with her from the other side. They devised a coded message that only he and Bess knew; this would prove that it really was Houdini breaking through from the afterlife. But after 10 séances in 10 years, Bess had not received her beloved husband's personal message.

Even though Bess gave up the séances herself, she asked magician Walter B. Gibson to carry on the October 31 tradition. For many years, Gibson, along with several other magicians, held the séances at the Magic Towne House in New York City. Countless other "unofficial" Houdini séances have been held by local psychics across the country throughout the years - all in good fun, but with no definitive proof of so much as a "hello" from Harry Houdini.
Today, the official Houdini Séance is held at The Houdini Museum in Scranton, Pennsylvania. And true to the times, they have been conducting séances on the Internet.
The Halloween Houdini Seance on the Internet - Oct 31.
The Halloween Houdini Seance, which has a been a tradition for the past 80 years since the great magicians untimely death, has now moved to cyberspace. The seances, held by Houdini's wife for the first ten years after his death, and then passed on by her, will be held on the Internet for 24 hours on Halloween on the anniversary of his death. Scranton's Houdini Museum, the only museum in the world entirely devoted to Houdini, is asking everyone on the web have a place in their mind the great feats of Houdini sometime during those twenty four hours.
The Houdini Museum, a non-profit organization, has a large web site;The museum has won many awards for its Internet site including being chosen as one of the "7 Wonders of the Web." ...The Houdini Museum can be found on the Internet by typing in the words Houdini Museum Scranton on any of the major Internet search engines. The actual web address is http://www.Pocono.org/houdini.html
The Houdini Museum has been in Scranton for nine years, and open to the general public for four years in the Scranton/Pocono area. Prior to that a part of the exhibit was on display for 13 years at the famous Magic Towne House in New York City. The Magic Towne House was the location of the Houdini Seances in New York. New York City was where Houdini lived for most of his life, until his death. "
"This Halloween, The James Randi Educational Foundation and WeirdThings.com present a never-before-attempted experiment. In front of a live internet audience, a group of prominent skeptics and magicians will try to make contact with the spirit of Harry Houdini, the world's most famous magician and challenger of the supernatural.
What makes this attempt unique is that it's being conducted by skeptics and magicians in the hopes that if contact from beyond the grave is possible, Houdini would prefer to make it with skeptics and magicians like himself.
World famous magician and skeptic James Randi will oversee the seance and will help supervise the attempt to communicate.
The seance will be conducted by magician and publisher of WeirdThings.com Andrew Mayne, WeirdThings.com editor-in-chief Justin Robert Young and magician and Scam School star Brian Brushwood.
The seance will consist of several tests for attempted communication. Words and images provided by prominent magicians and skeptics and held by James Randi will be attempted to be divined through various supernatural means including Ouija boards, automatic writing and spirit photography..."