Wednesday, December 31, 2008

UFO Highlights 2008

A recent discussion of some experts in the field revealed their ideas of 2008 developments in the study of UFO's.

UFO researcher Stanton Friedman discussed the continued efforts of debunkers to besmirch ufology even though they know little about the field, including two professors at Florida State University at Tallahassee, who referred to Friedman as a "pseudo-scientist" after he lectured at the college.

Author William Birnes spoke about the sea change in media coverage of UFO stories, including the Peckman/Romanek alien video.(USO's)

Activist Stephen Bassett suggested this past year was an extremely important one for UFO disclosure, with the release of declassified documents in foreign countries, and Obama's selections for his administration, including John Podesta, an advocate for ending UFO secrecy. Frank Costigan, a witness of the Needles UFO crash, also appeared with an update.UFO Year in Review

In a 4-hour special, George Knapp welcomed Alejandro Rojas and James Carrion, both of MUFON to review UFO sightings and events of 2008. They were joined by special guests throughout the evening. Rojas said it was a wonderful year for media coverage, with the UFO subject being covered both more extensively, and seriously. Carrion noted that one continuing obstacle is government involvement-- they may be using the UFO field as a convenient cover for their own testing of exotic weapons, or psychological warfare experiments.
Mission of MUFON is stated as:
The scientific study of UFOs for the benefit of humanity..MUFON
You may visit the site and if interested consider becoming a member.There are groups in all 50 states of thes non profit organization.

In 1980, the Cash-Landrum Incident occurred, in which three Texans suffered radiation injuries from a fire blasting diamond-shaped UFO. One of the victims of the UFO, which was surrounded by 23 military helicopters, had injuries so severe, a doctor described it as comparable to being "3 to 5 miles from the epicenter of Hiroshima."
Feom a report on Coast To Coast broadcast last was ,I think discovered this past year in disclosed files found by researchers in ufology.I found this upsetting...

Monday, December 29, 2008

A Real Elf Story

In doing some research for an upcoming post about "Little People" I found this story from a website.Could not resist.Here is the link for the entire story:

The great Lansing elf visit of 1998by Neal McNamara
"...:For the purposes of this story, it would be important to point out that there's a difference between standard elves and Christmas elfs. Elves, according to Wikipedia, are fantastical creatures with roots in German folklore. Christmas elfs (do you see the difference in the spelling there?) specifically make toys, have pointy shoes and ears and wear shiny, red and green-colored clothes. One could assume that Christmas elfs were invented by some genius advertising executive back in 1930 so that Macy's and Sears could start making money from Jesus' birthday. But one would be wrong.
...The story of Lansing's Christmas elf isn't all candy canes and cherry-red cheeks. Our Christmas elf story is filled with blood, tears and gritted teeth. Well, no, it's not that serious. But it is about a guy who escaped from jail and ran around the city dressed as an elf.

Remember, everything you're about to read here is true. Except that the name of the elf is being kept off the record, because it wouldn't be fair to re-embarrass the guy 10 years later. And, frankly, we're kind of scared that he would get pissed and come after us (ha ha?). Without further sarcasm, we present you — culled from several court and police documents, interviews and some educated guessing — the story of the Lansing pre-Christmas Elf Pandemic and Chase of 1998
The costume change
Do you know how, in winter, Michigan gets pretty cold? Yeah? OK, well on Dec. 23, 1998, Lansing was cold and gray and there was snow piled up everywhere. It was gross out, except that a lot of people were happy that Christmas was coming up and they would get a few days off. There were wreaths and lights and things everywhere, and of course the tree was up in front of the Capitol. Gov. John Engler was sitting back somewhere just totally drunk on power, having just been re-elected governor, a woman named Robin Stewart was driving to work in her car, which was loaded with goodies for a holiday party at her office, and Lansing police officers were out doing their thing.

At the Towne Center building at the corner of Capitol Avenue and Kalamazoo Street, court was starting up for the day. One young man, dressed in the thin, yellow jumpsuit of the Ingham County jail, was about the appear for a parole violation. He was not handcuffed, because he was not a violent offender — he was on parole for some breaking and entering stuff earlier in the year.

And then, around 9 a.m. — and it's not quite clear how this happened — the guy just took off. It would be cool to think that the guy just snapped his fingers and disappeared into a cloud of sparkles and magic dust, but he most likely just booked it and was a little too fast for the bailiff.

So he's booking it. And he makes his way into a parking lot somewhere south of Kalamazoo Street off of Capitol.

This is where the magic starts to happen.
The guy then comes upon Robin Stewart's 1993 Mercury Topaz. He breaks into the trunk and finds a cardboard box filled with, well, an elf costume. We can't go back in time and find out what was going on in this guy's brain, but we guess he figured the most inconspicuous thing he could do would be to put on the costume and take off into the streets. And he did, his pointy shoes with bells at the end ringing as he ran.

The chase
It was only Officer David Isabell's fourth day on the job. He was training with Detective Bruce Holliday and the Crime Scene Investigation team on the morning of Dec. 23, 1998. Isabell, however, was weary of Holliday. See, Isabell's father-in-law was a Lansing police veteran, and apparently Holliday had promised Isabell's father-in-law that there would be some practical joking going on.

But a guy dressed up as an elf? No, that would be taking it too far.

As Isabell and Holliday were driving around in their C.S.I. van, a call came over the radio that there was an escape from the court downtown. Naturally — they were in the area — the officers went down to help out.

"A lot of units responded and people got out and were going around on foot — it was a cold day, lots of wind," Isabell remembers. "We searched the area for approximately 30 to 40 minutes, and by then most units cleared the area and gave up. But we stayed out a little longer because (Holliday) was showing me how to track footprints in the snow."

And then, a call came over the radio that a suspicious man was hanging out in a trash receptacle on Capitol Avenue. It was called in as a possible vagrant, so Isabell and Holliday went to check it out.
They pulled up to the corner — Isabell doesn't remember the exact location, Holliday puts it at the corner of Lenawee and Capitol — and parked the van in front of the trash can.
"And then, we see the lid lift up," Isabell said. "And a little guy with an elf hat is peeking out."

The officers didn't quite know what they were seeing, so they moved a little closer. And yup, it was still an elf. Bells, pointy shoes and all.

"Yeah, he was dressed as an elf," Holliday said. "He saw us and then bailed."

Holliday and Isabell took off after the elf. At one point, Holliday ordered Isabell out of the van, which was still moving — he was probably chuckling a little, too — and made him chase after the elf. The spryness of the escapee, was, almost, elf-like.

"He was super quick — like 5'7'', 155 pounds, and I'm chasing him," Isabell, strapping and now an officer at Michigan State University, said.

The elf leaped over a fence and Isabell followed, but proved not as spry as the red and green prison escapee. Isabell lost the elf in a somewhere in a back alleyway of downtown Lansing.

But it wouldn't be the last the two would see of each other.
"When you see a cop chasing an elf, you gotta laugh," Holliday said." But it wasn't like he could go far in that outfit."
Now, picture this: a young, professional woman sitting at a desk making calls, typing and whatever else one does while planning parties. Suddenly, over her shoulder and through the window an elf runs buy. Kind of like a scene out of the Three Stooges, right?

"We were working on inauguration activities," McNulty recalls. "I looked out the window, and I thought I saw an elf running, with like, you know, pointy toes and an elf hat. I think he had tights on. It was a runaway elf." she said.

"Then I see him dive under a car. Then I see the police. Then, I remember pointing at the car because I was in an upstairs office."

Unfortunately for the elf, he didn't have any more magic to work. But, seriously, he must have had some magic because he eluded police for several hours before he was caught.
...When the elf was pulled out from underneath the car, some jolly-feeling officer pulled out a camera and snapped a photo. The next day the Lansing State Journal ran the photo and a story on the front page, which made its way around the country as one of those "news of the weird" items."

Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Bit Of Inspiration

Harry from Pleasanton, Texas, recalled how he'd finished up work late one night and stopped for some takeout food. On the way home, he spied a homeless man trying to find refuge from the harsh weather. Harry gave him his food and the homeless man expressed thanks, saying, "I'll pray for you tonight, sir." The parting words deeply resonated with Harry as he laid comfortably in bed that night. "Here's a man who had nothing, needed everything, full of despair, and he was thinking of me and he said his prayers for me," Harry said, "the impact it made on me was that no matter how desperate we are in life ... we'll always have the one thing that all of us need to help our fellow man and that is the capacity for compassion."

"The Chronicles began with a picture in his mind of this fawn carrying parcels and an umbrella in a snowy wood. And he’d had this picture in his mind from the time he was sixteen and when he was about forty, he tried to write a story about it. And at the same time, he was having dreams, nightmares really, of lions. And that’s where the character Aslan kind of just jumped into the story and, as Lewis said, brought the Christian element in with him.” -- Will Vaus discussing the origins and influences of C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

More Even More Scarey From Nikairo

Yesterday was just a tip of the iceburg of experiences she had in that old house built on the side of a castle in a 1000 year old town. Nikairo shares more...Do not forget to check her shop and the amazing work shown in the video below...

"And about the story I have also another one..In that same house I've been waking up during the night and sow a grey smoky "thing" moving really slowly in the air, it always had a smoky "face" of a sort of snake or dragon with open mouth like it was screaming..I use to watch it for few second and then hide undercover,terribly scared(especially when I was a child) that happened few times per year until I left the house. After I've been living in different country so I changed a lot of houses..Two years ago,we moved to a new flat,for a year and a half and three times during this time it happened again.But now it was a less scary "smoke", pale blue and perhaps more similar to the shape of a body.It didn't scare me although I kept covering me to avoid the sight.(The fact that I cover myself it means that I woke up, and it was not asleep).
In that same house one day my hubby left to go to work, and after a while I heard the front door open, steps toward my room and a deep breath.I thought it was him who forgot something,so I went there, but there was nobody..and the door was closed."

Thank you, Nikairo
http:// Nikairo

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Nikairo Has An Experience

Nikairo Has An Experience

Nikario doe amazing work woth felt.She says inher Etsy shop announcement:
"!I love felt and to work with it.And I love colors. Bright colors make me feel happy and add a bit of sunshine to life...
If you want to brighten up a simple tshirt or top and jeans, these are the perfect items to wear with!"
This shows in her work.You will want to check it out at

Here is her story in her own words
"When I was a child, one night I was reading in bed when suddenly i start to hear a strange noise.I looked up and in front of me,the calendar up in the wall was moving like a pendulum.It kept moving for a while and I stare at it with incredulity until i start to be scared and run to another room with my family. In this house I felt and sow other strange things..and my town had more then 1000 years, so many things had happened there!"

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Who HelpedThe Medicine Nurse?

One nurse had help getting the medications for the patients in her care from a questionable source.

Now days the unit dose method of each patient's medication being packaged then put in a labeled drawer in a med cart by the pharmacy staff presents it's own set of myrid problems for the "Medication Nurse".
One nurse carries the keys and is responsible to see that everyone gets all that are ordered and any unexpectedly needed.

.Some meds are ordered to be given once a day(qd),twice a day(bid),three tines a day(tid),four times a day(qid),at bedtime(hs),before meals(ac),after meals(pc),some with specified hours between(q--h) and some when needed with hours specified between doses and for what purposes(prn q-h for--)Keeping up with this for 30 or 60 patients and the assigned staff member,recording and reordering those used is a daunting task.

In "the old days"( and in some Nursing Homes today,) the Medication room was stocked with commonly used medicines and a bottle of each one of the patient's medicines from which the doses were obtained and administered.
It often took hours to prepare and give just those scheduled for a particular time.

One nurse who was especially sensitive and highly professional in this role had a bit of unexpected help.Was it her psychic abilities or a friendly spirit ?Who knows.

Sometimes on a very busy day during a hectic shift on this State Hospital Admission Unit which housed at least 60 patients,MJ would be in a frenzy because she could not find a certain medication.Just then, the bottle would slide out to the front.It was not any one patient's, neither was it every time; it happened only when she needed it most

She helped me several times when I was at wits end giving the meds,so I know it was true.

Where do you think this came from? Did MJ have psychic powers to locate and move the bottles out or was it a friendly nudge from a spirit..perhaps one who had been there,done that and knew how difficult the job was?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sarah Visits Work From My House

Revived this post from last year.
My friend from years ago, when living in Atlanta allowed me to share her OOBE from my Living Room.Sarah was also a Psychiatric Nurse.She had been my student a few years before at UNCCH.We had remained friends with our unusual interest in the Paranormal.
We attended an Edgar Cayce study group together after I moved back to Atlanta.

Sarah was especially interested in developing her Out Of Body Experiences and had been working on this for about six weeks.
One evening when she was visiting me,after the children were tucked in bed, the experiment began.She got comfortable on the couch and planned to visit work.
She worked in a small private hos[ital about a forty five minute (when traffic was lighter) drive from the present location.She gave a running account of the experience which we recorded.

Along the way she saw a car accident with an injured driver being transported to Grady Hospital the Trauma Center where I worked.This was sort of a Ho Hum to me although I did not say so as there is always an accident with a transport to Grady.

.When she arrived she noted the exact time and said who was at the desk and the chart they were reading.
She gave the names of the staff working in the locked area and the nurse giving the medications.
She described the set up for me as I had never been there.

As she was returning,I was on the phone to the charge nurse who verified every detail Sarah had said with not only the names of the people and their activities described but the decorations and information on the two bulletin boards in the area.

This was a quite successful experiment.We were proud.It took place in a matter of eight minutes not including the time for verification of the details.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Junkyarddoll At Etsy Has A Happening

An Unusual Theatre Experience

If you are into vintage,repurposed and jewelry, you will want to check out the Etsy shop of Junkyarddoll.a variety if cards,[rints and jewelry items are found there with her unique style..

A very interesting experience was recently related to us as well.Here is her story in her own words;

"I had a strange experience in a theatre I was working in last spring.
I had always come in the actor's entrance and never really looked around the lobby. I wanted some coffee during a performance and my friend and I went the back way around and when we got to the lobby I noticed a framed newspaper article on the wall talking about people who had died in a fire in this theatre's original location. As soon as I said, "Oh, no. People died?" the door behind us creaked shut. I turned to look at it and said "I am not here to bother anyone" the door swung up and shut (like a nod, "ok").
Several people gave me "friend of a friend" stories about things they have seen or felt there. It's a great place."

Interesting.Thank you.
Some of the work is in the Animoto short but do check out the shop at the above address.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Atomkid & KasellKreations At Etsy

Mysterious Moving Objects

Several Etsy Artists have had experiences with mysterious moving objects.Two who experienced this in their homes share their stories today.Some of their work is in the video but you might like to visit the shop to see more.

AtomKid says about his work: "Remember the days of Saturday morning cartoons and getting hopped up on Booberry Cereal?

Well welcome to world of Atom Kid!

I specialize in character drawing! My biggest influences are Alex Toth, Milton Caniff, John Byrne, Jack Kirby,Tex Avery, Chuck Jones, Bruce Timm, and Hanna/Barbera!

Not to mention The Ramones and The Groovie Ghoulies (both the band and the cartoon).

I'm a big fan of the fantastic! Sci-Fantasy, I'm inspired by and could talk endlessly about Dr. Who, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Anime, and Universal Horror movies and bad B-movie"

Here is the experience in his own words:
"I was eating a bowl of soup, and the bowl started slowly moving to the right. I moved it back to see if it would do it again, and it moved to the right, only very fast this time. It was the weirdest thing I've ever seen."
This has not happened again.He was eating at the counter watching TV.The counter was not damp until after the soup moved.

KassellKreations says of her shop."I love to design and make toys that encourage imagination. No batteries required. I am an avid crafter and enjoy sewing pretty and useful items. Welcome to my shop. I hope you see something you like!
Visit at

She discusses her experience:
"Uri Geller started a clock in my house temporarily when he did a t.v. special. But it still doesn't work now.

One time three people and I moved a card table by putting our hands on it like a Ouija board and it started moving slow and then fast. It was wierd because it was moving towards me. We tried but could never do it again.

The night my husband's mother died two things fell down in the house in two different rooms and no one was near them. I think my husband did it with telekinesis. One other time he was really mad about something and tupperware came flying out of the cabinet. But it didn't fall out and down it came flying out horizontally."

Interesting...Thank you.
I can close my eyes and see the tupperware flying..LOL

Saturday, December 6, 2008

PK and TK


Psychokenesis (PK) or Telekenisis (TK) is the ability to move or manipulate objects without any physical means.telekenisis from the Greek literally translated means "distant movement".Psychokenesis comes from the Greek word psyche which means"Life force" or "soul" and keinen which means "to move."

The study of phenomena said to be psychokinetic is an aspect of parapsychology. Some paranormal researchers believe that psychokinesis exists and deserves further study.However, there is no scientific evidence that has gone unchallenged that shows psychokinesis exists; PK experiments have historically been criticized for lack of proper controls and repeatability

Originally telekinesis was coined to refer to the movement of objects thought to be caused by ghosts of deceased persons, mischievous spirits, angels, demons, or other supernatural forces.[29] Later, when speculation increased that humans might be the source of the witnessed phenomena not caused by fraudulent mediums[30] and could possibly cause movement without any connection to a spiritualistic setting, such as in a darkened séance room, psychokinesis was added to the lexicon.[29] Eventually, psychokinesis became the term preferred by the parapsychological community.[24] Popular culture, however, such as movies, television, and literature, over the years preferred telekinesis to describe the paranormal movement of objects, likely due to the word's resemblance to other terms, such as telepathy, teleportation, etc.

The term "Telekinesis" was coined in 1890 by Russian psychical researcher Alexander N. Aksakof., The term "Psychokinesis" was coined in 1914, by American author-publisher Henry Holt in his book On the Cosmic Relations] and adopted by his friend, American parapsychologist J. B. Rhine in 1934 in connection with experiments to determine if a person could influence the outcome of falling dice.[24][25] Both concepts have been described by other terms, such as "remote influencing",

As research entered the modern era, it became clear that many different, but related, abilities could be attributed to the wider description of psychokinesis and telekinesis are now regarded as the subspecialties of PK. In the 2004 U.S. Air Force-sponsored research report Teleportation Physics Study, the physicist-author Eric Davis, PhD, described the distinction between PK and TK as "telekinesis is a form of PK."[31] Psychokinesis, then, is the general term that can be used to describe a variety of complex mental force phenomena (including object movement) and telekinesis is used to refer only to the movement of objects, however tiny (a grain of salt or air molecules to create wind)[32] or large (an automobile, building, or bridge). Hypothetically, a person could have very profound telekinetic ability, but not be able to produce any of the additional effects found in psychokinesis, such as softening the metal of a spoon to allow its bending with minimal physical force. Conversely, someone who has succeeded in psychokinetically softening metal once or a number of times may exhibit no telekinetic ability to move objects.

In September 2006, a survey about belief in various religious and paranormal topics conducted by phone and mail-in questionnaire polled Americans on their belief in telekinesis. Of these participants, 28% of male participants and 31% of female participants selected "agree" or "strongly agree" with the statement "It is possible to influence the world through the mind alone". There were 1,721 participants, and the poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 4%.[50]

In April 2008, British psychologist and skeptic Richard Wiseman published the results of an online survey he conducted entitled "Magicians and the Paranormal: A Survey," in which 400 magicians worldwide participated. For the question Do you believe that psychokinesis exists (i.e., that some people can, by paranormal means, apply a noticeable force to an object or alter its physical characteristics)?, the results were as follows: No 83.5%, Yes 9%, Uncertain 7.5%.[51]

# Eusapia Palladino (alternate spelling: Eusapia Paladino; 1854 - 1918) was an Italian medium who allegedly could cause objects to move during seances and was endorsed by world famous magician Howard Thurston (1869 – 1936), who witnessed her levitation of a table.[52]
# Swami Rama (1925 – 1996), a yogi skilled in controlling his heart functions who was studied at the Menninger Foundation in the spring and fall of 1970, and was alleged by some observers at the foundation to have telekinetically moved a knitting needle twice from a distance of five feet.[53] Although Swami Rama wore a facemask and gown to prevent allegations that he moved the needle with his breath or body movements, and air vents in the room had been covered, at least one physician observer who was present at the time was not convinced and expressed the opinion that air movement was somehow the cause.[54]
# Many of India's "godmen" have claimed macro-PK abilities and demonstrated apparently miraculous phenomena in public, although as more controls are put in place to prevent trickery, fewer phenomena are produced.[55]

In the book Parapsychology: The Controversial Science (1991), British parapsychologist Richard S. Broughton, Ph.D, wrote of the differences of opinion among top scientists encountered by Robert G. Jahn, director of the (now-closed) PEAR laboratory, regarding the psychokinesis research that the lab was engaged in at the time.[27] In a radio interview, Nobel laureate Brian Josephson has stated that the results of experiments in quantum physics that he has seen have produced more compelling evidence for the hypothetical existence of psi effects than the results of experiments done in the lab so far by parapsychologists.[27][71]
Magicians, sleight-of-hand-artists, etc., have successfully simulated some of the specialized abilities of PK (object movement, spoon bending, levitation, teleportation), but not all of the feats of claimed spontaneous and intentional psychokinesis have been reproduced under the same observed conditions as the original.[27] According to Robert Todd Carroll, author of The Skeptic's Dictionary , there are many impressive magic tricks available to amateurs and professionals to simulate psychokinetic powers.[76] These can be purchased on the Internet from magic supply companies. Amateur-made videos alleging to show feats of psychokinesis, particularly spoon bending and the telekinetic movement of objects, can be found on video-sharing websites such as YouTube. Critics point out that it is now easier than ever for the average person to fake psychokinetic events and that without more concrete proof, the topic, apart from its enjoyment in fiction, will continue to remain controversial.[39

Psychokinesis has a well-established existence in movies, television, computer games, literature, and other forms of popular culture. In the 1976 film Carrie, based on the Stephen King novel of the same name, Sissy Spacek portrayed a troubled high school student with telekinetic powers. She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress, the first psychokinetic character in a film ever to be so recognized (Ellen Burstyn was the second, in 1980's Resurrection). Numerous characters have the ability to control the movement of objects using the "the Force" in the Star Wars canon. In the 1988 anime movie Akira, a few of the main characters use telekinesis throughout the film. Prue Halliwell's main power as a witch was telekinesis in the series Charmed.

The comic book character Jean Grey of the X-Men exhibits extremely powerful telekinetic ability. Also from the TV show Heroes, the serial killer Sylar frequently exhibits telekinetic ability. It is also commonly used as a power in a large number of videogames and role playing games.

Next time we will focus more on the theory and some examples.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Strange Thongs Today In History

From the Coast To Coast feature "Today In Strangeness"

On this date in 1484, Pope Innocent VIII issued the Summis Desiderantes, a decree which officially recognized witches and gave permission for the Inquisition to begin rooting out those practicing witchcraft.
Also, in 1945, five Navy Avenger torpedo bombers, designated Flight 19, disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. Followed by the disappearance of the flight sent to check on them.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Founder Of The Methodist Church Has An Unusual Experience

John Wesiey was a boy pf 13 when in 1715 strange knocking noises began in the family home in Linconshire England..The Wesley family was a large one.Besides John there were 18 other children between the ages of 21 and 7..
Mrs Wesley wrote that"On the first of December,our maid heard at the door of the dining room several dismal groans like a person in extremes,at the point of death." When she looked no one was there.
As days progressed many noises were heard,rapping,swishes as if a rustle of a silken gown,a crackle rocking.footsteps on the stairs and a knocking on the dining table.
The family gradually got used to the disturbances and nicknamed the unseen presence "Old Jeffery"

In the record he kept of the events,John Wesley wrote of the seven year old:,"Kezzy desired no better diversion than to pursue "Old Jeffery" from room to room"

Suddenly after a visit of two months,Old Jeffery left the Wesleys and the Rectory at Epworth has been quiet ever since.

The attention was caught of the scientist Joseph Priestly a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Advancement of Science, and the discoverer of Oxygen.He studied the facts and in1784 reported his findings in the Arminian Magazine,He suspected one of the sisters had an unconscious part on the matter,The definite cause however of the appearance and disappearance was never discovered.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Little Girl Ghost

When we lived in Georgia while the children were small we had the biggest and nicest house ever.There was a playroom and two bedrooms and baths downstairs a large upstairs where the two youngest shared a room and all three usually played.Large kitchen, BR LD and DR up there as well.Split foyer with steps up and down.

I often would play with the children going up the stairs on our hands and knees laughing and teasing.I would hear someone behind me laughing and coming up too, although I was last.
The children never mentioned anything.

Several times we were watching TV downstairs while the little ones were in bed upstairs.We would often hear a ball bouncing and running, but when going up to see the children were in bed asleep.

I had long been a believer in ghosts but mot my husband.He was a major debunker of all things Paranormal.

Once,after checking on the kids after a rowdy ball game followed by footsteps down the stairs,he came puffing in mumbling of tricks being played on him and sank onto the couch.
Then there were steps down the stairs and into the room.A babydoll was seated in a doll highchair across the room from the door.There stood a little girl looking about 5 with long black hair wearing a long white nightdress she held her arm out toward the doll walked across the room to her and disappeared.My husband said faltering"Did you see that?"In a fit of pay back I said"See what?"

After that she often appeared when I was mopping on hands and knees which she thought great fun as well as joined us playing in the stairs.The children still made no mention of her nor did I tell them.

I was unable to research the area as the house we rented was only about 10 years old...before the children and I moved to SC when I returned yo work with a position at Clemson.
Our little girl was a happy ghost and enjoyed playing.I wish I had done more to see where she came from and if I could assist her, but the time was not right.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Unexplained Phone Calls,,From The Dead?

It has been said that receiving phone calls from the dead is a fairly common occurrence.National news following the horrific train crash in California reported an instance of a family receiving 35 calls from the cell phone if one if the victims although he was killed before the calls came.One source indicated tracing the last call helped rescuers find his body.

Some of you are fans of the Coast To Coast AM Radio show.On their site

an interesting article appears called Dead Ringers from a blog by The Paranormal Pastor

He discusses two cases representing the two types he has found most common.One is from the deceased and the other is from a departed loved one to the dying person.

Sometimes voices may be heard directly but most commonly only static is heard.Answering machines however sometimes allow voices to be heard that were not detected by the human ear at the time.