Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Haunted Train

For many years in the 1950's it was common for the matrons of Atlanta society as well as others to board the Nancy Hanks at the Peachtree station and go down to Savannah for a festive meal or visit with friends.It was a well known train and a scenic trip.The Dining and the Club cars offered many opportunities for conversation and socialization among the passengers.There was also a not unfamiliar occurrence in the Club car especially on the evening run back to Atlanta several people encountered.Some of the ladies witnessed and several men reported an unusually lovely woman on the trip.She wore a large hat with pink trim and a rather old fashioned pink dress of a gauze like fabric and flowing bell shaped sleeves with lace on the edge.No one ever saw her shoes.She seemed to float around from one group to another laughing and talking to this and that person.Soon she would select one man and spend most of the rest of the time at his table sipping a "Burbon and Branch" .She gave him her full attention and he seemed captivated.
Just as the train approached the station,those still in the club car swore that the couple just vanished.
What do you think?Were they real or phantoms of collective imagination???
The Nancy Hanks was retired in the 60"s along with the woman and her companion.They were never identified.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Real for sure! Love this story :)