Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Toys R Us Ghost #10

The Toys R Us Fhost ranks #10 in the 10 most popular ghost stories as found on
Sylvia Browne has written often of this young man whom she sees frequently.
From the article;

"10. The Toys R' Us Ghost:

Expect more than a Barbie or MatchBox car from the haunted Toys R' Us in California. This modern ghostly delight was built in 1970 over what was once the ranch of Johnny Johnson. Better known as Crazy Johnny in his day, mentally impaired Johnson bled to death after fatally cutting his leg with an axe in 1884.

Now, the crazed spirit has been spotted roller skating through the aisles of Toys R' Us, tapping customers and propelling toys."

1 comment:

Beth Howard said...

I've seen stories about that one before - definitely interesting. Of course, I find most ghost stories interesting, so I'm biased. lol